Distributed energy storage Power Station project in Nagqu, Xizang and Dingbian, Shaanxi

• 項(xiàng)目名稱:西藏那曲儲(chǔ)能電站
Project name: Xizang Nagqu Energy Storage Power Station
• 項(xiàng)目規(guī)模:2MWH
Project scale: 2MWH
• 項(xiàng)目時(shí)間:2019年
Project date: 2019
• 項(xiàng)目意義:春蘭首次在海拔4500米以上裝配儲(chǔ)能電站,目前運(yùn)行情況良好,此次項(xiàng)目是春蘭電池高海拔應(yīng)用的成功典范
Significance of the project: It is the first time for Chunlan to assemble an energy storage power station above 4500 meters above sea level, which is in good operation at present. This project is a successful example of chunlan battery's high-altitude application

• 項(xiàng)目名稱:陜西榆林定邊光伏電站
Project name: Dingbian Photovoltaic Power Station in Yulin, Shaanxi province
• 項(xiàng)目規(guī)模:10MWH
Project scale: 10MWH
• 項(xiàng)目時(shí)間:2018年;
Project Time: 2018
• 項(xiàng)目意義:該電站是目前中國西北地區(qū)最大的儲(chǔ)能電站,項(xiàng)目有效解決當(dāng)?shù)叵{不足、外送能力有限等問題,形成西北地區(qū)規(guī)模較大的可再生能源發(fā)電及儲(chǔ)能 應(yīng)用綜合示范中心。
Project Significance: This power station is the largest energy storage power station in northwest China at present. The project effectively solves the
problems of insufficient local consumption and limited delivery capacity, forming a large-scale renewable energy generation and energy storage in northwest China Integrated Application Demonstration Center.
Domestic energy storage and communication power supply projects in Europe and America

• 應(yīng)用名稱:歐美家用儲(chǔ)能系統(tǒng)
Application name: Home energy storage system in Europe and America
• 產(chǎn)品:5×48V-100Ah
Products: 5 x 48 v - 100 ah
堆疊式、掛壁式、一體機(jī)、拉桿式、 手提式
Stack type, wall type, all - in - one machine, pull rod type, portable
• 應(yīng)用名稱:通信電源系統(tǒng)
Application name: Communication power supply system
• 產(chǎn)品:48V-100Ah
Products: 48 v - 100Ah